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Inclusivity Education’s role in Inclusion

Inclusivity Education works with students globally through our hybrid learning programme- Fusion. 

Fusion is aimed at supporting students in mainstream education who have a significant attainment gap. The programme we tailor includes developing:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Social skills
  • Emotional regulation

We use an informed approach in our programmes, accessing curricula that builds the child holistically. 

Safeguarding the learner’s mental and emotional well being is the cornerstone of all the support we offer. 

Every child has potential waiting to be unlocked. 

Neurodiversity in mainstream education

Inclusion is more then enrolling neurodiverse students in the mainstream setting. Often, when left unattended, neurodiverse students miss out on learning opportunities and this leads to an attainment gap. 

If effective intervention is not in placed, the attainment gap widens and eventually, it is not uncommon to see the emergence of behavioural difficulties. Behaviour is communication and often it can be students telling us, “I am not coping!”

Through our fusion programme, we work with students and a dedicated one to one teacher to support the learner’s academic and non academic development. We work with the learner at their level, consider their unique learning needs and progress at their pace. 

How Does the Fusion Programme Work?


  • Improve self-esteem and confidence
  • Enhanced academic skills
  • Better emotional regulaion
  • Improved social skills


  • Weekly team meetings
  • In person or online
  • £37.50 per session

Your Commitment and Contribution

Participants must fully commit to the programme to see the benefits emerge.

Register Your Interest

Please email us to register on

Acceptance of your registration will be based on available spaces. We will be in touch once we have received your registration.